Diane Paulsen

General Manager
Diane Paulsen oversees finance, HR, and IT operations at Pearson & Schmidt Lawyers, with over 20 years of industry experience.


Diane Paulsen is the General Manager at Pearson & Schmidt Lawyers. With over 20 years of experience in the legal industry, Diane oversees the firm’s finance, human resources, and information technology operations. Her extensive background and expertise ensure that the firm operates efficiently and effectively, supporting its legal professionals and clients.

Diane’s role involves managing the firm’s financial planning and analysis, ensuring compliance with financial regulations, and optimizing financial performance. She also oversees the human resources department, focusing on talent acquisition, employee development, and fostering a positive work environment. Additionally, Diane is responsible for the firm’s IT infrastructure, ensuring that technology systems support the firm’s operations and meet security standards.

Diane’s leadership extends beyond her administrative duties. She is deeply involved in the legal community and frequently participates in seminars and conferences on legal administration and management. Her insights on operational efficiency and strategic planning are highly valued, and she has been invited to speak at various industry events.

Diane’s commitment to operational excellence and her deep understanding of the legal industry make her an invaluable asset to Pearson & Schmidt Lawyers. She is dedicated to supporting the firm’s growth and success by providing strategic leadership and ensuring that all administrative functions run smoothly


  • MBA, Wharton School of Business


  • Member, Legal Management Association
  • Member, National Association of Legal Administrators


  • Member, Finance Professionals Network
  • Member, Human Resources Professionals Association

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